About Us
The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) is Ghana’s National Oil Company (NOC), established in 1983 by PNDC Law 64, to support the government's objective of providing adequate and reliable supply of petroleum products and reducing the country's dependence on crude oil imports, through the development of the country’s own petroleum resources.
The Petroleum [Exploration and Production] Law, 1984, PNDC Law 84, was subsequently enacted to provide the regulatory framework for the exploitation of the country’s hydrocarbon resources. PNDC Law 84, establishes the contractual relationship among the state, GNPC and prospective investors in upstream petroleum operations. This law also grants GNPC the right of entry into any open acreage to undertake exploration activities.
The corporation, which started operations in 1985, is partner in all petroleum agreements in Ghana. GNPC is also the national gas sector aggregator in Ghana, and aims to supply efficient fuel to meet Ghana’s increasing energy needs. After the inception of GNPC in 1983, technical assistance was sought from Braspetro, the international subsidiary of the Brazilian National Petroleum Corporation (Petrobras) under UNDP sponsorship in 1985 for the preparation of a strategic organizational plan and recommendations for institutional capacity building.
The organizational plan approved by the Board of Directors involved five main functional divisions and four staff departments. Reviews of the structure have since taken place and currently incorporate a wider scope of activities consistent with our current strategy. The current staff strength is over 500. GNPC has a seven-member Board of Directors, appointed by the Ghana Government, which exercises oversight responsibility over the corporation, giving it policy direction.

To lead the sustainable exploration, development, production and disposal of the petroleum resources of Ghana, by leveraging the right mix of domestic and foreign investments in partnership with the people of Ghana.
To be a leading global oil and gas company, whose operations have a profound impact on the quality of life of the people of Ghana

Our Core Values
Guiding Principles
EHS First
We prioritise Health and Safety and we protect the Environment. We keep people, asset and the environment protected as a first step to achieving corporate goals

We shall always be ethical, effective and show an objective attitude in the pursuit of our goals

Respect for Talent
We recognize the talents of our people and provide a nurturing environment to develop them to their fullest potential

We encourage working together through coordinated efforts, building on one another's strengths and overcoming weaknesses to achieve corporate goals

Creativity and Innovation
We encourage creativity. We shall be at the forefront of innovation in our business

Company History

The Beginnings
Early 1980'sIn the early 1980s, the government established a new statutory and legal framework for petroleum exploration as well as institutional capacity in order to accelerate the country's Exploration and Production (E & P) efforts. Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Law, 1983 P.N.D.C. Law 64 and Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Law, 1984, PNDC Law 84 were enacted.

Late 1990's-Early 2000'sSignificant milestones were achieved in our exploration efforts. They include an extensive 2D seismic acquisition offshore Saltpond Field, 3D seismic acquisition offshore by GNPC, the WCTP-2X oil discovery in deepwater by Hunt Oil, and Dana Petroleum Plc.'s heavy oil discovery with the WT-1X well.

2007The discovery of significant oil and gas accumulations in 2007 and the commencement of production of the Jubilee field in November 2010 were the most significant events in Ghana's O&G sector in the last 2000s. With Jubilee, the floodgates appear to have opened to further investments/exploration activities.

2007The discovery of significant oil and gas accumulations in 2007 and the commencement of production of the Jubilee field in November 2010 were the most significant events in Ghana's O&G sector in the last 2000s. With Jubilee, the floodgates appear to have opened to further investments/exploration activities.